About Us

Welcome to Our Lady Lourdes Parish Church, A Parish Church of Surallah South Cotabato, the only Parish Church that offers many events and served the people devoted Catholic they give a service of Weddings, Burial blessings, Christening blessings, Seminars and active (67) GKK members. with (2) two Active Priest and 30 Employee in the Parish Church. They also give services and request a priest if (1) one or (2) two of their Priest is Not available the church they have a several called in the Church such as (ORDO) means “Daily masses, Activity of the Church” They served as first come first served.

At Our Lady Lourdes Parish Church, everyone is welcome regardless of background or belief. We invite you to join us for worship, fellowship, and service as we journey together in faith. Whether you're looking for a place to call home or simply seeking spiritual growth, we are here to welcome you with open arms. Come and discover the joy of community and the love of God at Our Lady Lourdes Parish Church.

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Church History

Discover the rich heritage of our church

The Parish Church Building was built in the year of (1964) and the lot placed was donated by the family of “Facinabao Family”, the Parish Church is located at Allah Valley Drive, Barangay Libertad Surallah South Cotabato

Schedule of Masses


Day Time
Monday None
Tuesday None
Wednesday 6:00 PM
Thursday 6:00 PM
Friday 6:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 PM
Sunday 6:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM

Vision & Mission

Discover Our Lady of Lourdes Church's Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish strives to be a welcoming community of missionary disciples who proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, inviting all people to embrace a deeper relationship with Christ and to find a home in the Catholic Church.

Our Mission

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish commits itself to following the example of our patroness the Blessed Virgin Mary by celebrating our faith together in prayer and worship,giving our personal witness to Christ, offering mutual support, growing in community, serving our neighbors, and providing faith formation for children, youth, and adults.

  • Providing spiritual guidance and support to our parishioners
  • Engaging with the community to promote love, peace, and justice
  • Offering educational programs to foster faith development
  • Supporting charitable activities to help those in need